Useful links
Here are some links to other websites that may be useful to you.
Citizens Advice Bureau
Where: Allum Hall
When: Monday 10:00 am - 12:30 pm and 1:00-3:30 pm
Tuesday 10:00 am - 12:30pm
Wednesday 10:00 am - 12:30pm
Thrusday 10.00 am - 12:30pm and 1:00-3:30pm
Ring 03444111444 or 03003300650 (free from mobile)
HertsHelp -
don’t hesitate to contact them if you are struggling, their trained friendly advisers will be on hand to offer confidential assistance and can put you in touch with helpful services and support locally. You can call them on 0300 123 4044, email info@hertshelp.net or visit www.hertshelp.net
Speech and Language Assessment Clinic
Where: BECC Family Centre
When: Thursdays (See BECC timetable for dates or ask Sophie or Alison)
Just Drop in. A session for parent who have concerns about their child's speech and/or language development.
Family Centre Timetable
Where: Various Locations
When: Various days and times
Range of activities and support groups for parents and families.
Access the timetable and information on the family's centre website:
Or call the BECC on 0300 123 7572.
Hertfordshire Online School Admissions
A link to Hertfordshire School Admissions page
What to expect when parents guide.
What: A link to information about your child's development and what you should expect them to do, ideas on how to support their development.
Speech and Language support- FOLLOW
A link to guidance about helping your child's speech and language development
School Nursing Advice
Help on topics such as oral health, toileting, sleep and behaviour.
Website for parenting information
Website for keeping your child healthy pyscially and mentally
Official NHS website - find medical advice, doctors, hospitals and dentists
Help for those subjected to domestic abuse
Information relating to all areas including housing, jobs and local services