Outstanding Childcare
What is an Ofsted Report?
Ofsted inspect all providers on the Early Years Register at least once every six years and write a report, which is published on their website. The report will tell you about the quality of the childcare service being provided, what it does well and what it needs to improve.
Settings are assessed in four different areas: Quality of Education, Behaviour and attitudes, Personal development., Leadership and Management. They are graded on a four-point scale: outstanding, good, requires improvement and inadequate. And then an overall rating is given to the setting.
We are OUTSTANDING for the second inspection in a row.
In our last Ofsted inspection (February 2023) we were rated Outstanding.
Quality of Education Outstanding 1
Behaviour and Attitudes Outstanding 1
Personal development Outstanding 1
Leadership and Management Outstanding 1
Ofsted said :
"Children receive the best possible start in their education in this exceptional setting"
"Staff have a comprehensive understanding of how children learn."
"Leaders and staff show complete dedication to ensuring that children receive the highest quality teaching"
"Staff welcome a wide range of different communities and go above and beyond to work closely with families to ensure they are fully supported"
"Children thoroughly enjoy exploring in a variety of inviting spaces."
You can read our full Ofsted report on the following link: Ofsted 2023